Suomen Benelux-instituutti luo ja ylläpitää yhteyksiä Suomen ja Benelux-alueen välisille kulttuurin ja tieteen ammattilaisille.
Työskentelemme sekä taiteen että yhteiskunnallisten kysymysten parissa. Pyrimme kaikessa ohjelmatoiminnassamme tasa-arvoon, osallisuuteen ja rasisminvastaisuuteen. Taiteenaloista työskentelemme niin nykytaiteen kuin esitystaiteen, designin, arkkitehtuurin ja musiikin parissa. Järjestämme sekä asiantuntijavierailuja että keskustelutilaisuuksia ajankohtaisista aiheista.
Toimimme kaikessa ohjelmassamme yhteistyökumppaneiden kanssa ja olemme aktiivisesti mukana Benelux-alueen verkostoissa, kuten eurooppalaisten kulttuuri-instituuttien EUNICissa sekä sukupuolten tasa-arvoa ajavassa belgialaisessa MoveMenissä.
Lisätietoja ohjelmatoiminnastamme saat ohjelmapäällikkö Malin Bergströmiltä, malin.bergstrom@finncult.be
Ohjelma 2024
”ONE DROP gives Blackness space to breathe” – Joséphine Gram on Sonya Lindfors’ latest work in Brussels
Our Programme Assistant Joséphine Gram shares what it meant to her to experience Sonya Lindfors‘ ONE DROP at Beursschouwburg in Brussels.
Choreographing change: Sonya Lindfors on art, power, and speculative decolonial dreaming
In May 2023, Institut finlandais interviewed Sonya Lindfors, to discuss her career and her new work ONE DROP (2023) which will be performanced at Beursschouwburg, Brussels this October.
TelepART: August 2024
The August 2024 TelepART support by the Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux goes to the Muddiverse working group’s site-specific dance performance ”Charge” in the Kalasatama area in Helsinki, Finland.
TelepART: July 2024
Luxembourg-based group Francis of Delirium performs at Ö Fest on an island in the Finnish archipelago, with support from the TelepART Mobility Support Platform allocated by the Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux.
The Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux and M-Cult secure funding for accessible media art initiative
The Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux and the media art association M-Cult have been awarded a €25,000 grant from Finland’s Ministry of Culture and Education for an accessible media art initiative.
Sonya Lindfors returns to Beursschouwburg with ONE DROP
Confronting the echoes of the ’one drop’ rhythm and the ’one drop rule’ with power, anti-racist love and resistance, Sonya Lindfors’ dance performance ’One Drop’ comes to Beursschouwburg, 18 & 19 October 2024.
Book launch at De Appel ”Falling In: Movement and Becoming in Curatorial Research”
Join the conversation at the launch of ”Falling In: Movement and Becoming in Curatorial Research”, co-edited by Jussi Koitela with Dahlia El Broul and Ksenia Kaverina. 17 June at De Appel, Amsterdam.
TelepART: May 2024
Milla Koistinen performs “Breathe” at SPRING Performing Arts Festival in Utrecht, the Netherlands, with support from the TelepART Mobility Support Platform allocated by the Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux.
Participants for the networking trip to Circusstad Festival have been selected
The participants for the networking trip to Circusstad Festival organised by Circus and Dance Info Finland, the Finnish Institute in the UK and Ireland and the Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux have been selected.
TelepART: April 2024
The April 2024 TelepART support by the Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux goes to Marija Griniuk, who is taking part in the Society of Artistic Research Forum at the Fontys Academy of the Arts in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
Sustainable solutions from Finland presented at the Festival of the New European Bauhaus 2024
Focused on shaping a sustainable, beautiful and inclusive future for Europe, the festival taking place 9–13 April in Brussels, Belgium includes a number of inspiring contributions from Finnish initiatives.
Watch the making of Monobloc Moments by Sara Bjarland for the Beaufort Triennial 2024
A short film directed by Taatske Pieterson documenting the process of the making of Monobloc Moments by Finnish artist Sara Bjarland is released for the opening of the Triennial Beaufort24.