We were happy to receive (and read!) 129 applications for the first Together Alone round, an open call for art projects organised by The Finnish Cultural and Academic Institutes’ network in response to the challenges of the COVID-19 epidemic.
We’ve gone through amazing applications by artists and collectives from across the globe – from Finland to Burkina Faso, from Japan to India and Australia. Five projects have now been selected, taking us on an exploration of artistic practices in times of physical isolation: artists weaving futurology and contemporary dance practices, studying fresh-water polyps and creating algorithms based on COVID-19 data, and others focusing on collaborative practices via soundscapes and online reading programmes.
The selected projects from the first round are:
- Across the Way With… by Shimmer Rotterdam and PUBLICS
- Bodytalk by Simo Vassinen, Roope Mokka and Maria F. Scaroni
- Hydra Human Hybrid by Charles Quevillon and Maija Tammi in collaboration with Tedd Robinson
- Untitled by Maria Korkeila
- World Wide Window by Mikki Nordman
The project still continues, you can read the full brief here. Send your proposal our way by April 20th or May 4th at 4 p.m (EEST).
Let’s try to make the most out of this situation – together.