Jam.Shenanigans, consisting of Batist Van Baekel (BE) and Henri Kangas (FI), embarks on a tour in Finland in September 2024. The performance titled « Shenanigans » will attract audiences in Espoo, Helsinki, Kerava and Turku. Based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, the duo offers a playful approach to contemporary circus.
Jam.Shenanigans’ tour in Finland is supported by the Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux.
Practical Info
5.9.2024 Keuda-talon Kerava-sali, Kerava
6.9.2024 Annantalo, Helsinki
7.9.2024 Malmitalo, Helsinki
12.9.2024 Lasten kulttuurikeskus Aurora, Espoo
15.9.2024 Lastenkulttuurikeskus Seikkailupuisto, Turku
Jam.Shenanigans is a fresh, young, and playful duo consisting of Batist Van Baekel (2000, BE) and Henri Kangas (1998, FIN).
Jam.Shenanigans produces and performs playful contemporary circus shows for family audiences. The performances from Jam.Shenanigans stem from the wish to promote and spread healthy playfulness to their audiences. The work from Jam.Shenanigans is always accessible to all age groups and all backgrounds. Jam.Shenanigans aims to spread their work and values to as many audiences as possible, in an international context.
Read more on the Jam.Shenanigans website.
Follow Jam.Shenanigans on Instagram.
Batist Van Baekel
From Vilvoorde, Belgium, Batist got introduced to the world of circus through the youth circus Circolito. Next to performing with his clubs, Batist is fascinated by everyday objects.
Follow Batist Van Baekel on Instagram.
Henri Kangas
From Tampere, Finland, Henri got introduced to the world of circus through the youth circus Sorin Sirkus. Next to performing with his diabolos, Henri is fascinated by everyday objects in contemporary circus.
Follow Henri Kangas on Instagram.
Cover photo provided by Jam.Shenanigans